Quality wholesale pork in Adelaide

Pork is a highly flavoursome meat that can be cooked quickly or slowly with excellent results, depending on which cut you choose. Pork belly, shoulder and hock are best cooked long and slow, offering a tender, rich meat that falls apart, whilst pork chops and loin are delicious fried up quickly with apple or cider. Call us today to make an order of pork in Torrensville on (08) 8443 4788.

P01Belly - Pork (Bone In) | 帶骨五花肉
P01ABelly - Pork (Boneless) | 去骨五花肉
P01BBelly - Pork (Boneless & Skinless) | 去皮去骨五花肉
P02Chop - Pork | 豬扒
P02APork Chop (Boneless) | 去骨猪扒
P04Leg - Pork | 豬後腿肉
P04ALeg (Bone In, Skin On) - Pork | 整隻帶皮帶骨豬後腿
P06Collar Butt - Pork (Pork Neck) | 豬頸肉(梅頭)
P07AShoulder (Less Neck) - Pork | 去掉豬頸的豬前腿肉
P07BPork Shoulder (Bone In, Skin On) | 整隻帶皮帶骨的豬前腿
P07CPork Shoulder (Boneless, Skin On) | 帶皮去骨的豬前腿
P07DSliced Shoulder - Pork | 切片豬前腿肉
P07EDiced Shoulder - Pork | 切丁(塊) 豬前腿肉
P07FShredded Pork | 豬肉絲
P09Block Ham - Pork | 豬火腿肉
P11Chitterlings - Pork (Seven Point Brand) | 豬大腸 (大約11-12公斤/箱)
P13Trotters (Cut 4) | 豬蹄(豬手)(切4塊)
P13ATrotters (Cut 2) | 豬蹄(豬手)(切2塊)
P14Hock - Pork | 圓蹄(豬肘)
P16American Ribs - Pork | 豬排骨
P16AAmerican Ribs (Cut) - Pork | 切的豬排骨
P18Shoulder Mince - Pork | 豬肉碎
P21Pork Fat (Skin On) | 豬肥(帶皮)
P21APork Fat Mince | 豬肥(油)碎
P21BPork Fat (Skinless) | 豬肥(去皮)
P22BLoin - Pork | 去皮去骨的豬里脊肉
P25Pork Fillet | 豬柳
P26Leg Bone -Pork | 豬腿骨
P26ASoft Bone - Pork | 豬軟骨
P26BNeck Bone (Cut) - Pork | 豬頸骨(切)
P26CLeg Bone (Cut) - Pork | 豬腿骨(切)
P28Pork MAWS (Around 10kg per carton) | 豬肚 (大約10公斤/箱)
P29Pork Ear | 豬耳朵
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Upholding the

highest industry standards.

Our products are certified by industry-leading organizations to ensure quality and safety.

Hungry for quality pork? Don't miss out on prime cuts at low prices.

Choose from a wide range of high-quality pork cuts, sourced from trusted suppliers.